What do we use your personal data for?
Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:
We do not treat your personal data for any other purpose than those described here except for legal obligation or administrative or judicial requirement.
The person responsible for the processing of your personal data is the:
Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme
Av. Ernest Lluch, 32 – Torre TCM1
08302 Mataró
Phone: 93 169 65 01
Office hours: from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00
The data protection officer
It is the person designated to protect your personal data at Fundación Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme. You can always contact them for questions related to the privacy of your data at the following address rgpd@tecnocampus.cat; or by writing to “DPD – Data Protection”, at Avenida de Ernest Lluch, 32 – Torre TCM2, planta 6. 08302 Mataró.
Data transfer
We will not transfer your personal data to third parties, with the exception that we are required by law, that we must transfer them to other administrations for the exercise of their own powers, or that they have previously authorized it.
How long do we keep the data?
We will keep your personal data during the legal prescription periods, except for the data corresponding to academic records, which will be kept indefinitely. Once these legal prescription periods have elapsed, we will destroy your data using secure methods.
What are your rights?
For more information, you can go to our offices or you can contact us through the email address rgpd@tecnocampus.cat.